Greetings, thank you for stopping by.

I dabbled in art throughout my life. When I retired in 2012, my goals were simple. Painting and drawing were going to take up a significant portion of my time. I had recently remodeled a building at the rear of my property into my studio. That was where I was going to hang out. At the same time, I enrolled in the Botanical Illustration Certificate Program that is offered at the North Carolina Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill. For the next three years I was able to take all the required art classes. These disciplines ranged from basic drawing, to Colored Pencil, to Pen and Ink, to Watercolor, to Acrylics, to Color Theory and Composition. I thought by taking all the classes I would discover one medium that I dearly loved and would make that my medium of choice. What I discovered was that I loved them all.

My intention for this blog is to use it to post pictures of my paintings so that I can not only track my work as it develops but share them with my friends.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Sentinal

The Sentinal

I grew up on a small farm situated in the geographical center of Western New York.  For those of you not familiar with this part of the state, it is called the Finger Lakes area.  If you look at a map you will immediately know the reason it has that name.  When the glaciers retreated 12,000 years ago, it appears as if a giant ice age hand reached out and carved huge swaths into the land with its finger nails in an attempt not to let go.  Over time many of these long parallel valleys filled with water and the land teemed with wildlife.  The lakes vary in size from a modest three mile long Canadice to the lengthy thirty-five mile long index finger of Seneca, whose 600 foot depth reaches below sea level.  In time the Iroquois Nation of peoples evolved and claimed this land as its own.  They are the people who gave names to these crystal blue lakes, Iroquois names like: Conesus, Honeoye, Canandaigua, Keuka, Seneca and Cayuga. 

Our farm was situated high on a hill that closed off the end of one of these long valleys.  From our vantage point we could track approaching storms for twenty miles as they moved up the valley toward us.  We could accurately estimate how much time we had before we needed to clean up our tools and get in the house before it started to rain.   

Memories of these spectacular views were the inspiration for my latest picture – “The Sentinel.”  I dream about returning home and renting a cabin on one of these lakes for the summer, and use it as a base from which I would go out into the countryside to capture the beauty of this unique land on stretched canvas. 

"The Sentinal"  SOLD
Acrylic on Canvas

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